Mental Health and Teen Suicide
Stephanie Di Maria, Alex Forsyth, Braydon Gordon, Kendra Sowinski, Josh Steffens
Bullying vs Cyber-Bullying
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the differences between bullying and cyberbullying. They will show their knowledge through the use of charts, such as ven diagram, that identfy the differences between bullying and cyberbullying. Students will present their charts to the class and discuss what they see as similarities as well as differences.
Once they have compared their graphs with each others, they will be given a chart to compare their findings to to find the similarities and differences. Students will be asked if there is anything missing on their own charts and if there is anything missing on the provided chart.
A video dealing with how bystanders deal with someone being bullied in public and discuss how it could translate to online and how they can stand up to cyberbullying.
The Daily Share. (2015, October 27 {of video post}). Caught on cam: bystanders react to bullying experiment [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo7kl9RsWBo
Table 1: Definitional differences between traditional bullying and cyberbullying [table] (n.d.) Retrieved from http://www.yalsa.ala.org/jrlya/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/aphillips_table1.jpg